I set my alarm clock for 6:30 this morning and slogged out of bed about 10 minutes later. Walked around for about half an hour collecting various items needed for gym this morning. Realized that I didn't take the tags of my spiffy new gym bag and lock, so I set out doing that.
I even had my little kid yogurt this morning then walked the dog. She followed me around for about 15 minutes, staring holes into me until I finally walked her. Finally left the house about 7:20 and got to the gym about 7:30.
Hopped on the elliptical first. OMG did it hurt. I know I haven't been to the gym since Monday, but I didn't expect it to hurt so much. Not even 10 minutes in, I was wishing to jump off. I didn't think I'd be able to do it, but I got through and did 30 minutes and 3.22 miles. (I don't know that I believe that mileage but, whatever.)
I then took a 10 minute break before I hit the weights. I know that technically, I should keep my heart rate up, but the home health nurse suggested I take a break in between to let my body cool down so I don't over do it too much. I walked around the weight room slowly rather than just stop altogether.
My workout today included all upper body/core:
3 setx10 lat pulldown @60lb
3 set x12 dumbbell flys @10lb
3 set x12 dumbbell presses @10
3 set x12 dumbbell shoulder press @5lb
3 set x12 dumbbell front arm lift @8lb
15 situps
10 half pushups
25 crunches on balance ball
Dananino - 60
Post workout
1 vitamuffin top - 100
4 oz red seedless grapes - 80
1 cup skim milk - 90
Total: 330
9 months ago
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