Actually, the title of this post is an understatement. I'm definitely more than just irritable and tired. I'm exhausted and angry. Why? I have no idea.
I left work early on Friday because I was just tired. I held on all day and by the end of the day I couldn't face staying another 2 hours 'til end of day. I got home and slept from 3:30 to 6 when the massage person showed up. I went to bed at 11. I should have gone to bed much earlier but didn't.
I was at at 7:30 on Saturday and at the gym by 8ish. I did half an hour on the ellipital and 15 minutes of weights before I got nauseous. I headed home by 9:30 and slept from 10 'til 1. The only reason I got up was to go to a family member's house. I shouldn't have gone; I was in a misserable mood. Got home at 1am and promptly fell asleep.
Sunday was similar. Got up at 8:30 and headed to a diner for breakfast at 9:30. Got home and hour later and crawled into bed. I slept until 3:30. 4 hours I slept for. Fell asleep at midnight on Sunday.
Today, again I wake up and all I want to do is go back to sleep. I wish I knew what was causing this, because this sucks. I'm exercising, eating right, obviously getting enough sleep and yet I'm tired and grouchy.
I'm supposed to be feeling spectacular, aren't I? Damn MS.
9 months ago
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